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<TITLE>Internet Access</TITLE>
<H1> <IMG SRC="..\iwnews.gif"><P>
Internet Access</H1>
InternetWorks requires a Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP) or Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP) dial-in connection to access the Internet, or a connection to a Local-Area Network (LAN) that is connected to the Internet.<P>
If you currently have a SLIP or PPP connection through an Internet Access Provider, or your LAN is connected to the Internet, all you have to do is install InternetWorks, dial in, and start surfing!<P>
If you do not have a SLIP or PPP connection, check out the "Internet Access Providers" link on our <A HREF="..\yp\iypabout.htm">About the Net</A> page to find an IAP in your area.<P>
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